How To Exercise When You Really Don’t Like It
You might already be kicking goals with your healthy eating. Maybe you’re even seeing some good results.
But if you want to push your results to the next level, get toned, feel fitter, be less out of breath, and feel better about your body – exercise is a key component. After all, your legs aren’t going to tone themselves, you’ve got to work at it.
So here’s 7 ideas to help get you started if you really don’t like exercise.
1. Phone a friend
Going for a walk and a chat with a friend is a lot more enticing than doing it solo. You can even kid yourself into thinking that you are just catching up with your pal rather than actually exercising.
2. Exercise early
Some people don’t like getting all hot and sweaty during the day, as it means you’ve got to have a shower and wash your hair (which, with kids, seems like an impossible task).
So why not get up and get on with your workout before everyone else is up, and before you are dressed for the day? Exercising first thing is also a great way to avoid the excuses later such as being too tired or too busy to fit it in.
3. Borrow a dog
Having a reason to exercise such as having to walk the dog is a good way to turn off the excuses. If you don’t own one, why not commit to a friend that you will walk their dog once or twice per week. Strap the kids into prams or on scooters and head out to get some fresh air.
4. Don’t call it exercise
Not everyone likes going to the gym, doing squats, or lifting weights. If this is true for you, it can be really helpful if you find something that doesn’t actually feel like a workout. Think indoor rock climbing, swimming laps, or going for a bike ride.
5. Commit to ten minutes
Come on, you can put up with anything for ten minutes can’t you? Just commit to a small block of time to exercise, and more often than not you’ll probably find yourself feeling happy to go for longer.
6. Get distracted
Grab yourself a box set and use the time to do some exercises in your lounge room. How about some squats, lunges, sit ups and planks while you get reacquainted with Grey’s Anatomy?
7. Play with the kids
Get active with them and you won’t even feel like you’re exercising. Have a dance off in the lounge room (lots of kids love Danger Zone from Top Gun – try it!), head out the back to do some skipping, kick a ball around, go for a walk to post a letter to Grandma – anything that gets you all moving.
Watch this awesome workout that you can do at your local playground. Just a few minutes – you won’t even realise you’re exercising but the results will be worth it.