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5 Reasons To Stay Motivated At “That Time Of The Month”

Maintaining momentum with your weight loss plan is difficult enough, but throw in discomforts associated with having your period or better known as โ€˜that time of the monthโ€™ and it gets ever harder.

It would be nice to just down tools and give yourself a week off, but you wonโ€™t be doing yourself any favours if you do.

5 Reasons To Stay Motivated At 'That Time Of The Month'

Sure you might not have the energy or clear head you usually do, but staying on the healthy course has so many benefits, not the least of which you hopefully wonโ€™t gain any weight.

Hereโ€™s some things to keep in mind when your motivation is waning during ‘that time of month’.

1. Being active can help pain levels

When youโ€™re struggling with cramps that feel like full-on contraction pains, all you want to do is crawl into bed with a hot pack and whimper to yourself. Most of us donโ€™t have that luxury and have to just get on with life. A nice gentle workout or walk can help ease those cramping pains and will also help keep you on track with your daily 30-minutes of exercise.

2. Watch out, itโ€™s a slippery slope

Tucking into a block of chocolate when you feel rotten is so tempting, so to make sure this doesnโ€™t happen donโ€™t have it in the house or make sure youโ€™ve only got a small amount. Youโ€™re only human after all and a little treat every now and then canโ€™t hurt, but if possible make some of our yummy bliss balls ahead of time and scoff this instead! You could also try some of our GUILT FREE chocolate recipes.

Hint: If you do spend a day feeling sorry for yourself in pain just make sure you donโ€™t let it linger and start afresh with your healthy habits the following day.

Bliss Balls

3. Donโ€™t be a hero

There is no point suffering in silence, so if your pain is bad enough and ongoing then take some pain medication, if youโ€™re not breastfeeding and itโ€™s within your beliefs. Once youโ€™ve got this pain under control you might feel more inclined to exercise and might also have more willpower to stop scoffing unhealthy foods.

4. Eat foods that can help fight menstrual cramps

Kale, oats, spinach and sesame seeds as well as bananas, parsley, ginger and walnuts are all packed with nutrients and enzymes that can help you lessen the effects of cramping. Wheat germ, ginger and sunflower seeds have also been known to be beneficial. But best of all, these foods are all super healthy and are probably already in your fridge or pantry.

5. Give yourself a break

We not saying give up completely during that time of the month, but once youโ€™ve had children your period can be pretty full-on, especially if youโ€™ve just stopped breastfeeding and itโ€™s your first one since. Ease yourself back into it and if you can even just maintain your weight during this week then youโ€™re doing a fabulous job!


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