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How this mum is overcoming fibromyalgia to participate in the Newport half-marathon

I have always been overweight. I’ve also always been the ‘one with the pretty face’. I have certainly ALWAYS read in between the lines that people were thinking ‘shame about the rest of you‘”.


Kelly Anderson is one inspiring woman. However, she has certainly had her fare share of overcoming some pretty major life obstacles.

Dealing with low self esteem

Kelly says for many years she suffered from low self esteem. In more recent years, Kelly said she begun to slip further and further into a ‘black hole’, where food become her only comfort.

This nonetheless, caused a new vicious cycle to begin.

Food was my comfort which would make me feel more miserable [again],” Kelly says. “A horrible viscous circle really. I’ve tried other diets with varying results, but being a busy mum with three young children I couldn’t commit to going to a group.”

Kelly noticed weight creeping on and on.

I was a tight size 28,” says Kelly.

Kelly was determined to find a healthy weight loss program – however needed to find something that would suit her family as well.ย Kelly’s husband is a shift worker, and they both have young children. But…. nothing seemed to suit!

I started to try and lose weight from home on my own in January 2018.”

I had some success but was getting really demotivated and it was then that I saw an advert of some kind for the Healthy Mummy on Facebook.”


Finding the Healthy Mummy

Kelly says she LOVED that when she went to the Healthy Mummy website it was LOADED with family-friendly recipes and had plans (aka. the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge) specifically for MUMS to help them lose weight in a HEALTHY WAY while sticking to a tight grocery budget.

I had a look, requested to join the page and was hooked.ย I saw stories from people like Siobhan Docherty, Camilla Sharma and Samara Syed and just thought wow! Just WOW!

I signed up to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge pretty much straight away. That was May 2018,” Kelly adds.

Kelly adds that in the beginning, the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge was a little ‘tricky’. Kelly said she had to get use to cooking from scratch again. However, she soon pushed past that.

I love the selection of recipes on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge hub…and the exercises too. I was inspired to lose weight for a number of reasons.”



How this mum is overcoming fibromyalgia to participate in the Newport half-marathon

Kelly has health issues withย fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, slipped discs and eptopic heart beat.

I was 38 years old and under cardiology. I accepted that my kids loved me for me. The reality was that fibromyalgia made life hard but it also easily became my excuse.”

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain in the muscles and bones. People suffering fromย fibromyalgia often also experience anxiety, headaches and depression.

My dad at the age of 65 found out that he needs open heart surgery, which without him having it, could mean a catastrophic heart attack.”

Not to mention, his condition could potentially be hereditary.”

Kelly says this was the final straw for her.

I had always felt I was alright and I would be ok, but knowing that; it made me fight for change.”

Of course Kelly wanted to be ‘around for as long as possible’ for her kids…but she always believes her family deserve the BEST from her. And that means, she needs to be able to have the energy to support, care and play with them!

My children, my husband, my family all deserve for me to be at my best. I deserve to be at my best. Life is for living and participating. I don’t want to be a spectator anymore.”

Greatest obstacle Kelly has faced while on the Challenge

My greatest obstacle has been injury to my lower back. I’d managed to increase my exercise level, but then tore the muscle as I walking.”

This injury caused Kelly to put a freeze on her exercise regime.

While Kelly says it’s ‘easy’ to slip into old habits – she had come too far on her Healthy Mummy journey to let that derail her weight loss efforts.

I’ve lost 2stone 1lb since May with Healthy Mummy and a total of 80cm from all over my body.”

We have had holidays, my birthday, my son’s and both my parents birthday during my time with Healthy Mummy, but I just plan around it, make the best choices I can and enjoy them!

The little wins

Kelly says that she now LOVES that she canย buy clothes in shops without having to always buy online for her size (plus she has more choice).

She always loves that she is having more fun with her kids than ever before!

Next big goals

My main health and weight loss goal is to have my illnesses totally under control. Fibromyalgia can be incredibly debilitating at times, but just through diet some of the symptoms have reduced significantly which after suffering for years has been such a relief.”

“Weight wise I think as long as I get to around a size 12/14 I’d be over the moon.”

“I was last a size 14 when I was 13 years old. That’s a long time ago now!”

Kelly also reveals that she would like to be a size 20 by the time she flies on her first family holiday abroad (in just a few short months).

I’ve a lot of work to do, but I’m confident that I will do it.”

“I’m also looking to compete in Newport half marathon when I’m 40. Which is next May….I better get training!”

Tips for other mums thinking about starting their weight loss journey

My tips would be…If you haven’t signed up to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge yet…do it.”

“Don’t wait, sign up and give it your best shot.”

Keep up the amazing work Kelly – your story is truly inspiring.

Learn more about the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge

Ourย 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย is an affordable, customisable program designedย to help mums reach their weight loss goals and tackle their health.


Our Challenge entails:

  • Hundreds of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) โ€“ with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums โ€“ under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands ofย EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!

To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย click here.


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