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Gorgeous Renée has lost 7.12st and now fits into her goal dress!

From 18.3st to 10.5st, Renée has made a huge transformation using the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge! She now fits into her goal dress and wow does she look stunning!


Mission ‘goal dress’ COMPLETED!

Renée walked past this dress every day for the last four months and was so in love with it! She finally gave in to temptation, knowing she had to have it, but there was only a size 14 or size 10. 

“And here is where I underestimate myself and my abilities! I bought the 10 hoping that I would fit into it soon after a little more hard work…….but it FITS!!! It fits perfectly!!!” 

“This is 19 months of pure hard work and determination, 13,870 hours of self belief, dedication and pure drive to want to be the best me I can be!! I can finally say “I made it”-  I have done what I thought was absolutely impossible but LOOK!!! I did it!! No pills, no restrictions, no surgery! This is all me and The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge!!”

Wowee Renée, you’re amazing!

“Please please PLEASE!!! Don’t fence sit, don’t ponder, don’t think about it anymore!! The only regret you will have is not starting sooner!!”


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