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These mums show what you could still achieve before Christmas

This is the time of the week where we acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our wonderful mums.

These Healthy Mummy are feeling a lot healthier, happier and fitter since embarking on theย 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Lindsey Moriarty is feeling a lot healthier

Lindsey says, “Not done one of these for a little while but having reached my first goal of losing half a stone last week, I wanted to share!”

“As I keep saying, the speed of my progress isnโ€™t what matters as with theย 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, it doesnโ€™t feel hard or just a quick fix. Itโ€™s a lifestyle change for me and my family.”
“Three months from starting, I feel healthier, Iโ€™m actually eating more than ever, Iโ€™m back into running, Iโ€™m less bloated, I feel the need to drink way less wine, my kids think I should enter Masterchef, they now have healthy lunch boxes, my husband is cooking more (as I can send him the recipes to follow), Iโ€™m not throwing away unused food every week, Iโ€™m saving ยฃ7 per day by not buying lunch at work, I felt brave enough to wear a short sparkly number to a party, AND I feel like Iโ€™ve made some lovely new 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge friends.”
“Donโ€™t wait until the New Year to join – see the benefits sooner and give yourself the Christmas present you deserve!”

Sarah Varney-Wisemanhas lost 3.11 stone

Sarah says, “3.11 stone gone in just four months.”ย 

“I am no longer surviving, I’m thriving! Before the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, I was in a pit of despair, my second baby didn’t sleep and all I did was live on Oreos.”

“Well she still doesn’t sleep and I still have to breastfeed her three or four times a night but I now go to work, run around after a one year old and a two year old, run approx 25 miles a week and I do it all with a smile now.”

“Sleepless nights don’t bring me down any more because I fuel my body rather than living off sugar. My mindset is completely changed and I’ve finally kicked my life long binging habit.”

“I turn 30 in a few months and my aim is to be in my new size 12 clothes by then. Today I’m in size 14 top and skinny jeans, down from a size 22 four months ago. My one bit of advice is just to trust in the plan. Don’t try to shave off calories or leave out fat or reduce your snacks. Just trust in the plan because it works!”

Sarah Ireland has gone from a size 14 to a size 1o

Sarah says, “NSV for me today from a size 14 top to a 10. I now fit in my size 30 back bra again, I even braved a skirt for date night but didn’t feel uncomfortable! I’m a jeans kinda girl.”
“All thanks to eating lots and lots of healthy, yummy food. Who doesn’t like stuffing their faces with chocolate, cake, biscuits and cheese. Perfect fit for me – eat and lose weight – winning!”

Kaire Konton-Smith has got more energy

Kaire says, “I wanted to show you the results you CAN still have before Christmas.There is 8 days between these photos!”
“The first photo was taken last Monday – my mum and gran were visiting the week before. Even though I made the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge breakfasts and dinners, we ate lunch out every day, had lots of chocolate and some alcohol. No water, no smoothies and no exercise. I was sore, bloated and exhausted!”
“So all Iโ€™ve done this last week is drink The Healthy Mummy smoothies and two litres of water every day, stayed on plan and exercised for 15 mins almost every day.”
“Iโ€™ve got more energy, Iโ€™m feeling like I have lost weight as clothes sit much better, and Iโ€™m not bloated anymore.”
“Iโ€™m excited to see what can I still achieve before Christmas – why donโ€™t you join me?”

Elizabeth Clare has an increase in confidence and self-belief

Elizabeth says, “My health is finally back on track which means I have been able to really focus on myย  28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.”ย 

“The picture on the left was taken 3 weeks ago.”

“A few days following my early miscarriage. I wanted something to focus on at the time. I was in a bad place and did not want to be in front of a mirror.”

“I knew I needed to do it though.”ย 

“The picture on the right I took on Sunday. I felt good about myself and noticed a change.”ย 

“There is no difference on the scales from when I last weighed myself BUT there is a difference in my overall shape, my confidence, self belief and ability to stand in front of a mirror and notice the changes happening.”ย 

“The Healthy Mummy has given me back my healthy relationship with food and life.”

Need some help to stay on track? Check out the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge!

With over 4,000 recipes, 350 fat burning exercises and 24/7 support, theย 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย  can help YOU hit your goal weight faster.

Our Challenge includes:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) โ€“ with video instruction
  • New CHALLENGE THEME each month โ€“ so youโ€™ll NEVER get bored
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums โ€“ under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit
    training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!

Join theย 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย today!



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