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4 FUN ways to get your best summer body

Getting your best ever summer body doesn’t have to be boring, this year instead of hard slogging in the lead up to summer, try these simple tips to get into shape.

Plus, JOIN US on the free 100 Days to Summer Countdown for your chance to win a new summer wardrobe (valued at £500).

4 fun ways to get your best summer body

4 Fun Ways To Get Your Best Ever Summer Body

1. Keep it short

Forget the hour-long strenuous workouts that have you feeling weak at the knees and leave you unable to walk for days. Just try adding 5 to 15 minutes of light interval training to your morning each day and you will be thankful for the refreshing and effective change.

Choose some higher intensity sets with shorter rest periods. The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Challenge workouts provide some great HIIT workouts) and you may even increase your body’s ability to burn fat long after your workout!

2. Copy the kids

Children are so great at staying active and building incredibly functional and healthy bodies. But they don’t get them from going hard on the treadmill.

Kids have an incredible ability to move their bodies in positive ways and their movements are almost always functional and fun.

Follow your children around for just 20 minutes in the garden or at the park while they play. You will add some serious cardio, resistance and flexibility to your current fitness regime.

3. Take up a new sport

We all know consistency is key when it comes to fitness results and often the more monotonous training regimes are, the faster they dwindle away. Try adding a new fitness sports day to your week to keep you on track!

Choose to participate in a new class at the local leisure centre with a friend or add 15 minutes swimming with the kids or walking laps in the pool. Whatever you choose, keeping it different and engaging is key.

4. Start early

If you have plans to stay active over the summer break there is no better time to start than now.

It takes 21 days to form a habit, so starting today schedule some extra walking workouts in from now. Every minute adds up and having a good strategy in place early on will place you ahead of the game.

Easily add more fitness into your week with these simple strategies and create a tight, toned and energetic body for yourself this summer. You will have so much fun in the process you may not even realise you are reaching your goals!

BONUS: Work out with your kids.

Exercise in The Playground With The Kids

As busy mums it’s always hard to find time to get in a workout so we thought we would give you some ideas on how to workout with your kids in tow.

Why should the kids be the only ones having fun at the local park? Use the park to get your own workout in whilst you leave the kids to have their own fun.

Check out the 100 Days to Summer Countdown

If you are wanting to tighten your booty and tone your thighs – not to mention help improve your overall health and wellbeing in time for summer, check out the 100 Days to Summer Countdown.

AND by joining the countdown, you’ve got the chance to WIN a NEW Summer Wardrobe (valued at £500).

To enter simply download your Countdown To Summer Pack, designed to help you get BODY CONFIDENT for summer, and comment below with your Summer health and weight loss goal.

Take part today and countdown to summer with us – we have new giveaways every 10 days!!!

Join us here 


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