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Please read this and LOVE YOURSELF

Hi everyone โ€“ my name is Rhian and I am the Founder ofย The Healthy Mummyย and I wanted to write this post this week.

Please read this and LOVE YOURSELF

As humans, we can be hard on ourselves. The mental torment we put ourselves under is tough.

We can sometimes set the bar so high that if we fail to reach that bar we come CRASHING down and can be left to feel like a failure and left feeling worthless.

This is not good.

This is really not good.

I sometimes see this happening and it worries me a lot.

I recently read a post from an incredible mum in our community. Someone who we all love. Someone who has had an incredible journey. Someone who wears who heart on her sleeve. Someone who has had her fair share of ups and downs.ย Someone who is a total ROCK STAR.

And in this post, the mum was devastated that she had worn Spanx for a night out.

Please read this and LOVE YOURSELF

I was so upset to read the post as this mum was genuinely upset โ€“ as she saw the fact that she had been wearing the Spanx โ€“ that she was somehow cheating herself and her loyal followers

Even though she had come SOOOOO far in herย Healthy Mummy journeyย and inspired soooo many 10,000โ€™s of mums, sheย seemed broken in her post and I wanted to give her a BIG HUG and remind her of how AMAZING she is!

Please read this and LOVE YOURSELF

This is what I wanted to say after reading that post

  • Firstly โ€“ whether you wear Spanx or not โ€“ all woman, mums and bodies are amazing. You are all beautiful and whatever your journey you should celebrate that journey. So what if your body changes and fluctuates โ€“ embrace it and accept that it will go up and down and remember you are AMAZING โ€“ no matter what size you are at any time
  • If wearing Spanx makes you feel confident โ€“ WEAR THEM. I strongly believe that confidence leads to happiness โ€“ so if it makes you feel confident โ€“ wear them. But if you feel uncomfortable in them โ€“ then ditch them and choose a different outfit that makes you feel confident and always EMBRACE your body
  • Hormones affect the body in different ways โ€“ if they make your body bloat up then donโ€™t stress about it โ€“ accept that this happens and wear clothes you feel comfortable in
  • LOVE YOURSELF! We are humans โ€“ not robots and you should not feel bad EVER about yourself EVER. Feeling bad about yourself is always a BAD THING. Gaining a few extra kilos or pounds is not a reason to feel bad about yourself. It is just a number on a scales. It doesnโ€™t change you or who you are so donโ€™t let it affect your mood and always remember to LOVE YOU and if anyone reading this ever feels bad about themselves then come to ourย Healthy Mummy Facebook groupsย as we have more love to send your way than you can shake a stick it!!

Please read this and LOVE YOURSELF

  • If you have fallen off the wagon and have had a terrible month or two that is OK! I know many amazing personal trainers who this happens to all the time. Keeping in peak physical condition is hard work and you shouldnโ€™t beat yourself up if you are less than perfect for a period of time. Life is for living and for being happy and if you do have a period of time where you fall of the wagon โ€“ definitely recognize it and get back on the wagon but DONโ€™T beat yourself up as you are amazing.
  • The most important thing in living a healthy life is a balance.
  • No one is perfect. Everyone slips up. We are all human and maintaining the balance is the tricky part!
  • But together we can do it. Together we can support each other to do it and together we can learn that mistakes are part of learning and that making mistakes is ok โ€“ and perspective is CRITICAL.
  • The scales DOES NOT define you and ALWAYS remember that and ALWAYS show yourself and others LOVE as we need to support each other at all times x

Please read this and LOVE YOURSELF

Follow me on Instagram @Rhianbusyallen

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Our Challenge includes:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) โ€“ with
    video instruction
  • New CHALLENGE THEME each month โ€“ so youโ€™ll NEVER get bored
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums โ€“ under 30 mins
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  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!

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