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10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

To mummy makeover down there or not? That is the question.

Ever wondered if your vagina will ever recover from childbirth?

Surely, after itโ€™s pushed out something the size of a watermelon it will never be the same again?ย And do our partners even notice a difference during sex? There are so many questions!

But before you arrange an awkward lunch date with your friends to discuss the topic, here are 10 things you should know about how your va-jay-jay after giving birthโ€ฆ

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

10 ways your vagina changes after giving birth

1. Your vagina will feel sore for a few days / weeks

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Your lower regions can feel painful orย soreย in the immediately after childbirth.

This will usually improve six to 12 weeks after you have given birth, especially if you needed stitches.

2. You may feel like youโ€™re going to wet yourself at times

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Itโ€™s estimated that 30 per cent of women will experience some form of bladder leakage after birth, particularly when exercising.ย 

While common, urinary incontinence shouldnโ€™t be accepted as just one of the post-birth thing, in fact many cases it can be easily treated if you visit your doctor instead of continuing to rely on pads.

The most common form of treatment is pelvic floor exercises, which are designed to strengthen these muscles through actively tightening and lifting them at intervals.

3. Your vagina may be drier for a while

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Postpartum vaginal dryness is a common occurrence.

Oestrogen and progesterone levels decline dramaticallyย afterย you giveย birth and these hormones are what causes your uterus lining to build up but as these are decreased it may leave down there feeling very dry.

Once you stop nursing, your vagina should go back to normal.

4. Your discharge may be heavy

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Following the birth of your baby, your body will get rid of the blood and tissue that was inside your uterus.

This is known as vaginalย discharge. It may be heavy or bright red and could contain blood clots.

This should only lastย for a few weeks.

5. There could be some scar tissue down there

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Not all women have scar tissues after birth, usually only those who have had a tear or episiotomy.

These scars could heal on their own or you may need an operation to have them removed.

6. Your period may become heavier

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Your first period after pregnancy may be heavier than normal.

However, women who suffered from endometriosis before pregnancy may notice their periods are lighter.

7. It could feel widerย 

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Some women feel their vagina is looser after giving birth, but this may be because itโ€™s feeling quite tender and bruised.

After the swelling has gone down it may feel like itโ€™s back to normal or tampons donโ€™t fit the same as they did. For some women, sex actually feels better.

If you’re worried, talk to your GP and they could give you some pelvic floor exercises to help strengthen it.

8. It may be a different colour

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

Rising hormone levels and increased blood flow may also cause your clitoris to change colour and become darker.

โ€œColour changes are also related to increased hormone levels and increased blood flow,โ€ obstetricianย Dr. Alex Polyakov tells The Healthy Mummy.

โ€œSome colour changes in hormone sensitive areas such as areolae of breasts and labial and clitoral regions may be permanent but will probably fade with time.โ€

9. You could experience a vaginal pro-lapse

10 ways your vagina changes after you give birth

It is actually possible for your vagina to fall out! Withย utero-vaginal prolapse,ย the vagina can fall due to poor pelvic floor strength.

This usually occurs after childbirth or menopause.

10. Your orgasms may change


Some women don’t haveย orgasmsย for a while afterย childbirth whereas some women may notice a heightened sense of pleasure in their nether regions.

โ€œBlood flow and increased levels or oestrogen and progesterone during pregnancy may produce physiological changes, such as heightened sexual pleasure and increased ease in achieving orgasm,โ€ย explains Dr. Alex.

โ€œSome women may experience an orgasm for the first time or become multi-orgasmic.โ€

If you are are concerned about the changes youโ€™ve noticed with your vagina, we advise you to speak with your GP or midwife.

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