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Scientists warns: Zika virus could head to the UK in the near future

WARNING: This Zika article is not trying to scare but instead inform our readers about pregnancy and health issues that are being reported across the world.

The British Department of Healthโ€™s Chief scientific adviser Chris Whitty believes there is a threat of a โ€œlarge epidemicโ€ of the zika virus in Britain and in northern Europe.

According to his research, the Aedes mosquitoes – which carry the disease – are moving away from Africa and could reach the UK in the near future.

Scientists warns: Zika virus could head to the UK in the near future

Zika virus could be heading to the UK in the near future

“There are huge scientific answers to very many of the problems we face,” Mr Whitty told MPs in the House of Commons.

He believes the rise in the spread of insect-related illnesses across Europe could be due to the rising temperatures, luring disease carrying insects.

Because people have not built up immunity to these deadly viruses, such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever, it could be disastrous.

Scientists warns: Zika virus could head to the UK in the near future

Researchers believe exposure to infectious bugs could become normal by 2080, as the climate changes due to global warming.

Mr. Whitty even went as far as to warn the spread of the insects poses one of the โ€œbiggest threats to global securityโ€.

However, he added that he believes that by the time zika reaches the British Isles, there should be a vaccine developed.

More about Zika virus

Zika was first discovered in 1947 in the Zika forest in Uganda.

The worst outbreaks have been in Brazil and South America, parts of Asia and also in areas of Africa.

In 2016, the World Health Organisation declared the outbreak a public health emergency.

Those wanting to conceive and pregnant women are at risk, as Zika can cause microcephaly, which is a severe and fatal brain defect that causes damage to their eyes and a slow head growth.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends women and men diagnosed with Zika or who have been exposed to Zika should wait at least three months after return or start of symptoms before trying to conceive

For more information on Zika, click here.

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