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The mum who lost so much weight that her daughter didn’t even recognise her

When mum Megan Jane showed her two year old daughter a photo of herself prior to her MASSIVE Healthy Mummy weight loss her daughter’s response was priceless!

Read what she said and check out Megan’s AMAZING transformation below.

Megan-Jane-Weight-Loss-April 2019

Megan is a busy mum with four children who has battled more of life’s punches than most.

Unhealthy habits once ruled her life

She says “In my early 20’s with one child and a lot of time on my hands I allowed myself to wallow in my unhealthy habits and tried to convince myself I was content to be this way.

But was I? Hell no!

I was miserable, lonely, had no energy to enjoy my baby, was lacking any confidence and allowed myself to be treated poorly because I didn’t think I deserved any better.”

Shortly after having her third child Megan discovered The Healthy Mummy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and Smoothies and has been living the Healthy Mummy lifestyle ever since.

“When I started The Healthy Mummy seven months ago I honestly believed it would take me a lot longer to drop the weight I had put on BUT today not only have I lost that weight but I’ve lost a little bit extra and am closer to my goal number.

Reaching my goal number is one thing but more importantly I’m more body proud and body confident than I’ve been in a long time.

The Healthy Mummy gives you the tools to eat healthy, stay hydrated, exercise and incorporate everything you need into a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.”

What changed in that time?

“I mainly walk and have been the whole seven months. I aim for a 5-6km walk five days a week and 9km walk one day a week. Occasionally I do a Bodypump session from YouTube. My step count is set at minimum of 15,000 but I try to hit over 20,000 steps a day.

Breakfast is always a glass of warm water with lemon and apple cider vinegar, and normally a ricotta and spinach roll (get the recipe from the challenge hub).

I snack on either choc chip banana bread or whatever muffin I’ve made in the afternoon, lunch is normally leftovers from dinner from the night before. Dinners are picked from challenge hub, which are family friendly and quick, budget friendly.

Evening snack is Greek yogurt and a few frozen berries. I occasionally have a smoothie for lunch if my partner or 16 year old takes my left overs but I try to stick within 200 calories of my basal metabolic rate (BMR) calorie target.”

Results: 9.2st weight loss since having first child

By following a healthy eating plan and regular exercise Megan has had some mind-blowing weight loss results.

Before: One child, 23 years old, 19.7st
After: Four children, 39.5 years old, 10.5st

3.8st lost since joining The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Transforming herself both mentally and physically

Megan says “My physical transformation may be evident but the most important thing is my mental health has improved ten-fold.

I’ve got the energy to run around after four children. The tools to make healthy food choices for myself and my family. And I have a huge amount of body confidence.”


“I know my worth and no longer allow anyone to treat me with disrespect and negativity.

My life has changed for the better all because I put my health and fitness in my priority list and this in turn flows on to my family.”

She was recently sharing photos of her former ‘heavier’ self to her two year old and her daughter’s response was priceless.

Who is that person in the photo?

Megan says, “Ever look back and not recognise the person in the picture?”


“I showed my 2 year old these two pictures and asked ‘is that mummy?’

Pic 1 (left) her response was an adamant ‘NO’

Pic 2 (right) response was “Mummy’”

Likely, this is because her youngest daughter has only ever known her mum as the fit, happy and confident person that she is today.

“No excuses, you are worth it” says Megan

Megan says, “It’s about more than just the huge physical changes, it’s about the belief I now have in myself, the determination and drive, the self-worth and body confidence.

The ability to participate in my life instead of sitting miserably on the sidelines watching the ones I love while they live.

I am no longer the queen of excuses but live with the motto of #noexcuses.

I’m a fighter, a survivor, a lover, a mother, a friend but more importantly I am a woman.

A woman who is stronger than she ever believed possible, a woman who knows how important it is to put herself first sometimes, a woman who will never go back to where she once was but forges forward to a fitter, healthier lifestyle not just for those she loves but for her because #imworthit and so are you!

Remember to get your loved ones involved. Not only are you looking after yourself but you’re ensuring your family stay fit and healthy too and it becomes second nature to them.

After all a family that is healthy together stays together longer.”

Megan’s advice to any others considering changing their life

“If you keep putting it off till tomorrow you’ll never see the results that you want to see.

Turning 40 this year having just had bub number four and breastfeeding, I thought it would be almost impossible to drop the extra weight as my metabolism has always been slower but I put my health and fitness on my priority list, became a #HealthyMummyforlife and haven’t looked back.

It hasn’t happened overnight, but my determination and consistency as well as the incredible support from the Healthy Mummy community and amazing App has seen me drop 4.3st in the last nine months and gained back my confidence, energy and zest for life.”

The Healthy Mummy team would like to congratulate Megan on her AMAZING mental and physical transformation and for sharing her story with us.

Are you ready to kick-start your weight loss?


Want to shift your baby weight but feel like you have NO TIME in your day to exercise and eat healthily? That’s where the Healthy Mummy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge can help.

Our Challenge entails: 

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels.
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes.

To find out more about joining the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge for £1 click here.

PLUS – connect with THOUSANDS of other mums on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge by joining our free support community here


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