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How To Stay Motivated When Losing Weight

One of the most important points in successful weight loss and following a healthy eating plan is staying motivated โ€“ and knowing how to stay motivated day in day out.

10 Tips For Staying Motivated

The motivation that you have is what keeps you going and is what keeps you focused on your healthy eating and healthy lifestyle โ€“ and is what we try and do on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.ย 

10 Healthy Mummy Motivation Tips

1. Have A Goal In Mind

Whether it be a monthly goal or a long term goal, create a mental picture of how you want your body to look, or even find a picture and stick it on the fridge โ€“ that way if you get tempted to have a binge the picture will be staring back at you!

2. Reward Yourself For Every Ten Pounds You Lose

Notย with food, but will a new handbag or facial, something that will make you feel special.

3. Donโ€™t Allow Yourself To Feel Deprived

If there is a certain food you cannot live without, schedule it into you diet mid morning once or twice a week, that way you can burn it off throughout the day, and not feel guilty.

4. Have A โ€˜Cheat Mealโ€™ ONCE A Week

This gets some people through those first few weeks. Once your new healthy lifestyle becomes a habit โ€“ you will no longer need to call it a cheat meal, you will naturally allow yourself to give into your cravings occasionally.

5. Exercise With A Buddy

Working out with a friend is not only more fun, but that way if youโ€™re feeling lazy, you have someone to help you get moving again.

how to stay motivated

6. Walk Your Pet

If you have a pet, take them out for walks dailyย and you will both benefit from the movement and fresh air. Plus, researchersย have found thatย having a dog is more likely to lower your risk of heart disease!

7. Sleep In Your Workout Clothes

If you plan to train in the morning, you will feel more motivated to get up and go for that morning jog.

8. Plan Weekly Meals In Advance

Do all your shopping for the week on a Sunday or Monday including snacks, that way you will be less likely to opt for take away or fast food. The 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย can be a big help with this

9. Use The Healthy Mummy App

It is a great tool to help you track your measurement, weight and exercise each day.

10. Donโ€™t Quit If It Takes Time To See Results

It takes nine months to grow and nourish a baby, and it will likely take the same amount of time to lose that weight. Slow and steady is the key to long term weight loss, creating a real healthy mummy!ย You can and will get there if you take it one day at a time.


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