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10 snacks to slay tummy fat

Healthy snacking is an important part of weight loss and the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

To help with weight and belly fat loss, healthy snacks should contain generous amount of fibre and a small amount of protein to help balance blood sugar levels.

Confused about the best choices? We’ve got you covered.

10 snacks to slay tummy fat

  1. Two Boiled Eggs – Boil a whole carton of eggs and leave them in your fridge in ziplock bags for an easy snack on the go.
  2. Yogurt – Choose a natural variety without added sugar and add your own fruit, nuts and seeds. We love this recipe for Mango yogurt with sweet macadamia crumbs, available in the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge hub.
    Mango Yoghurt with Sweet Macadamia Crumbs
  3. Raw Almonds – Look for the chemical free variety in your local health food store. Make sure they are raw or natural to keep salt levels down. A small handful (about 20g) makes the perfect high protein snack.
  4. Goji Berries – Super high in antioxidants, a stash of Goji Berries in your handbag make the perfect quick snack. A 20g serving will provide you with 3g of protein and 3.6g of fibre and will benefit you in many ways to bust the tummy fat.
  5. Chia pudding –  a great gluten-free option – chia seeds are high in essential minerals, omega 3 and fibre. They will keep the bloat down and provide a filling option to eat between meals. The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge has a whole range of delish Chia Pudding recipes available on the app.The Best Healthy Treats For Late Night Snacking
  6. A green apple – said to ‘melt’ stomach fat, you can’t go wrong with having an apple for a snack. It will temporarily give you a good boost of energy, provide a good amount of fibre and is a great portable snack.
  7. 2 x wholegrain crispbreads + nut spread –   Wholegrain crispbreads like Ryvita are a great form of fibre and will help move any stagnation through the bowels. Team them with some nut butter or spread for a protein/good fat hit.
  8. Home Made Banana Bread – Make some yourself and slice it up to keep it frozen for the times when you really need something wholesome. Bananas are high in fibre and potassium and will help reduce tummy bloat and lets face it, we all feel like a bit of banana bread every now and then! We love this healthy and freezable Big Batch Banana Bread recipe.
  9. Bliss Balls – When bub is sleeping, make up a batch of these and freeze 2 or 3 in a ziplock bag. We love these 5 Ingredient Chocolate and Peanut Butter Bliss Balls.
    5 ingredient chocolate and peanut butter bliss balls
  10. A healthy smoothie – A smoothie is a great way to fill up on plenty of good stuff. Our Healthy Mummy smoothies will be launching soon!

Need some more healthy snack ideas?

With thousands of recipes, and hundreds of fat burning exercises and 24/7 support, The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge can help YOU hit your goal weight faster.

Our Challenge includes:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • New CHALLENGE THEME each month – so you’ll NEVER get bored
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit
    training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!


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