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The plan that is helping breastfeeding mum Sheree lose weight and increase her energy

Mum Sheree Knickel has struggled to lose weight while breastfeeding. That was until she discovered The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and Healthy Mummy Smoothies.

Now after just one month following The Healthy Mummy Challenge and enjoying the delicious smoothies, the weight is starting to come off and Sheree is noticing a big difference in her body and energy levels.

Check out her results below.


Struggling to lose weight while breastfeeding?

For some mums losing weight while breastfeeding is effortless but for many more, it is an uphill struggle. Sheree was one of these mums.

She says โ€œIโ€™ve struggled with my energy and weight since having my daughter 18 months ago.

Everyone kept telling me that breastfeeding makes you shed the weight but my body didnโ€™t get that memo and it has almost been doing the opposite and storing the weight for some reason.โ€

Weight gain due to consuming empty calories

After taking note of what she was eating Sheree noticed it was the empty calories she was consuming in an effort to spike her energy levels that were contributing to her weight gain.

She says โ€œTruth be told since tracking my food I have noticed I was consuming endless empty calories rather than making healthy and filling choices!”

Joining The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and Smoothies

Sheree had been following The Healthy Mummy Facebook support group for sometime before making the decision to try the 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย and Smoothies. A decision she is so happy she made.

She says โ€œI sat on the sidelines watching The Healthy Mummyย Facebook page and everyoneโ€™s amazing transformations for a while until last month I decided that I may as well just give it a try!


In addition to eating delicious, well balanced and filling meals from the Challenge meal plan Sheree is also enjoying The Healthy Mummy Smoothies.

She says โ€œas a single Mum Iโ€™ve found the smoothies very filling and very economical and the recipes easy, tasty and cheap!โ€


Like smoothies? Check out some of our favourite smoothie recipes here.ย Breastfeeding? Check out our milk supply boosting recipes here.

Results after 1 month

Sheree has lost 4 lbs in her first month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

She says โ€œThe scales arenโ€™t showing the weekly weight loss that I had originally hoped for but Iโ€™ve started to realise that doesnโ€™t matter as much.

I feel like Iโ€™ve โ€˜ONLYโ€™ lost 4 lbs but I can definitely feel a difference in my body and my energy levels!

Iโ€™m loving the extra energy and find it soo easy to stick too as I never feel hungry or that Iโ€™m missing out in any way!

Slow and sureโ€ฆ as giving up certainly isnโ€™t going to get me there!โ€

Well done Sheree. Thatโ€™s right โ€“ slow and steady will get you there!

The Healthy Mummy team would like to thank Sheree for sharing her first-month progress with us. We look forward to following her Healthy Mummy journey.

Join the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY!

Want to shift your baby weight but feel like you have NO TIME in your day to exercise and eat healthily? Thatโ€™s where the Healthy Mummyโ€™sย 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย can help.

Our Challenge entails:ย 

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) โ€“ with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums โ€“ under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels.
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes.

To find out more about joining theย 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge for ยฃ1 click here.

PLUS โ€“ connect with THOUSANDS of other mums on theย 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย by joining ourย free support community here


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