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Ten healthy lunches to pre-make and take to work

Buying food every day in your lunch break can become an expensive habit, and it can also impact yourย weight loss planย or general healthy eating plan.

Your best bet, especially whenย trying to lose weight,ย is to plan plan plan โ€“ and to make your lunch just like you would your kids. Make it on the weekend or the night before.

Here are some top tips on how to make a healthy, budget-friendly packed lunch for yourselfโ€ฆ.

packed lunch box filled with fruit and nuts

10 healthy options which are perfect to take to work

1. Leftovers


Leftovers are a great way of stopping yourself from overeating. By dishing out your meals then packing away the rest into boxes and putting in the freezer, youโ€™re less tempted to overeat.

If you donโ€™t have enough, then make double or add two cups of salad to bulk it out and fill you up.

Some of our favourites include the Devilled Sausages or theย 25 Minute Peanut Butter Curry – SO good the next day!

2.ย Slow Cooked Thai Beef Noodles


Make a large batch of these tasty noodles and store in an airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days or freeze for up to 2 months.

Grab the recipe here.

3. Lasagne Soup

Slow cooked lasagne soup

The soups on our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge recipe hub (like this Lasagne Soup) feature plenty of veggies, are packed full of flavour, and are always low in sugar.

Soup is perfect to make in a large batch to enjoy leftovers for lunch throughout the week. It also freezes well if you feel like making a double batch, then just defrost for another family meal when youโ€™re too busy to cook.

Check out the recipe for our Lasagne Soupย here.

4. A Healthy Mummy Smoothie


In the morning when you are making yourย Healthy Mummy Smoothie,ย double it.

Make it extra thick and juicy with fruits and even veggies and place half in your morning glass and half into an empty glass jar or other container.

Pack it and pop it in the fridge when you get to work. Shake it up before you are ready to drink it and voila! A delicious, filling and nutritious lunch already made.

5.ย Chicken Mexican burrito bowl

Protein packed chicken burrito bowl

This colourful burrito bowl is packed with protein and a kick of Mexican spice. Speed up the cooking process by using pre-cooked rice or leftover chicken.ย Thisย is such a colourful meal!

Grab the recipe here.

6. Courgette and Cheese Arancini

Lunch box-friendly courgette and cheese arancini

Arancini balls are a great lunchbox item for the whole family, as you can make them ahead of time and store them in the fridge for 3-4 days.ย Enjoy a couple as a healthy snack, or serve 4 with a crisp side salad for a tasty lunch.

Grab the arancini ball recipe here.

7. Homemade pizza


Day old pizza is not only delicious it’s ridiculously easy. Make some pizza with the kids the night before, or get your partner to โ€“ two meals you donโ€™t have to make!!!

We have a great 2 ingredient pizza dough recipe here you can try, or use pitta bread for a quick and easy base.ย When you take it to work, add a side salad including around two cups of mixed greens to keep your vegetable intake high and the meal balanced.

8. Pasta leftovers


It’s so easy to make extra pasta and package that up for a quick lunch. Add a side salad and you’re done! We love thisย deliciousย Slow Cooked Ragu Sauceย to go on top of pasta.

9. Single Serve Chicken Pies

Individual Chicken and Vegetable Pies

Pies really are filling and great comfort food, but the excessive pastry and fatty cuts of meat make it not the best choice for a weight loss or healthy eating program.ย Instead of buying a pie on the run at lunch, make these Individual Chicken Pies instead.

10.Stuffed Mexican Sweet Potato


Cook a couple of the potatoes at the start of the week to reheat for a quick lunch. You can also pre-make the filling and store in an airtight container in the fridge for a few days.ย If avocadoes are expensive just add some chopped tomato or more kidney beans to bulk it out.

Get the recipe here.

From there you can add to your day with healthy snacks such as chopped up fruit, yogurt with berries and nuts, or something sweet from the challenge hub (try these!).

Want to access thousands ofย healthy recipes to help you lose weight?

Want to shift your baby weight but feel like you have NO TIME in your day to exercise and eat healthily? Thatโ€™s where the Healthy Mummyโ€™s 28 Day Weight Loss Challengeย can help.

Our Challenge entails:ย 

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) โ€“ with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums โ€“ under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels.
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes.

To find out more about joining the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge for ยฃ1 click here.

PLUS – connect with THOUSANDS of other mums on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge by joining our free support community here.


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